Roll-out the Ambassade concept and project management

Support the brand in the opening of its new international embassies. These emblematic and demanding city-center spaces require perfect technical mastery and a keen understanding of the brand's premium experience.
How can technical expertise help create a unique luxury spa experience in exceptional locations?

Our approach

A first emblematic building in Brussels, but above all a 300m2 space with extraordinary potential and multiple technical and aesthetic challenges. Our Deliver division took charge of the entire project, from technical drawings to site management, in close collaboration with the brand and its artistic director. Each partner company was carefully selected to ensure perfect execution down to the smallest detail.

The result

The Ambassade Biologique Recherche in Brussels, described by its founders as "the most beautiful Ambassade in the world", now gives us the privilege of accompanying the brand's development as it opens new stores across Europe.

Behind the scenes of the project

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