Eco-refit strategy and deployment

Devise a strategy for renovating the store estate to enable the latest concept to be rolled out in an ecological and economical process as quickly as possible, while minimising operating losses!
How is our innovative eco-refit method enabling Sephora to transform its network in a cost-effective and ecological process?

Our approach

Following a thorough analysis of the parameters of the new concept and an in-depth audit of the various generations of stores in the estate, the Define division presented Séphora France’s management with a roll-out plan to maximise ROI.

The Design division standardised the key markers of the concept that enabled our construction economist to implement a design-to-value approach.

Our dedicated Deliver team comprising seven architects carried out 15-20 projects a year, from resource diagnostics to site management, working closely with the Sephora teams and partners selected for their commitment to the eco-refit ethos.

The result

Plus de 90 magasins rénovés en 5 ans et un partenariat durable :
  • 3 à 4 fois plus de magasins rénovés chaque année grâce à un budget maîtrisé
  • Store closure time reduced to five days and five nights
  • 70% de CO2 en moins par rapport à une rénovation classique
  • Improved morale of the teams due to the beautiful environment of their stores
  • A highly homogeneous network

Behind the scenes of the project

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