Brand creation and 360 retail experience

The entire team was extremely enthusiastic when Christelle Brua, head pastry chef at the Elysée Palace, told us of her plans to launch her own brand in a sector where she would be least expected (chocolate)!

The challenge we have taken up with her is to design the brand identity, present the brand history and create the boutique universe.

How do you create an iconic brand and launch it in the retail gourmet market?

Our approach

Our three core divisions were involved in the creation of this unique brand: the story of a female pastry virtuoso in a male-dominated world.

Her unique career path and highly emotional vision of chocolate inspired our Define team to come up with an original story... that of Madame Cacao by Christelle Brua: a personal invitation to enjoy a relaxed, gourmet and traditional experience.

Our Artistic Director worked closely with the brand manager to create her brand territory: from the logotype to the packaging for the products on display and, last but not least, the boutique, designed and implemented by retail3D’s Design and Deliver teams.

The result

It was only six months from the initial meeting to the opening of the flagship store on rue du Cherche-Midi, several days before Easter.

The success of this ‘atelier-boutique’ has led us to adapt the concept and prepare the tools for the roll-out.

Behind the scenes of the project

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