Roll out the latest concepts developed by Nike worldwide on the French market, while meeting the objectives of image, quality and innovation, but adapting to the constraints of each site and the expectations of the franchisee.
How in France can we breathe life into the concepts created by the world leader in innovation?
Our approach
A collaborative, four-way effort between the NIKE teams, the franchisee, the building landlord and retail3D’s Deliver division.
Our mission:
Embrace all the dimensions and innovations of the new concept
Coordinate technical studies and produce all the design files required by Nike and the respective French regulations
Submit permits/licences, conduct all calls for tender and manage the budget
Ensure the meticulous management and execution of the work up to acceptance by the Nike teams
The result
A partnership that has spanned some 15 years, with deadlines always met and underpinned by a detailed understanding of the issues at stake for both parties.
A Herculean task to open regional flagships ranging from 600 to 1,000 m2 in the four corners of France.